VT Survey

Wondering if your child has an underlying eye condition? Fill out the survey below and contact our office to schedule your initial testing with a Vision Therapist: (620) 371-6330

You can also print this off and bring it with you to your consultation. 

How often do the following symptoms occur?



Not Often




A lot




 1. Child reads below grade level






 2. Stumbles over words when reading aloud






 3. Loses places when reading






 4. Leaves out small words when reading






 5.  Poor comprehension






 6. Child doesn’t like reading






 7. Turns head to side when reading






 8. Covers eye or lays head down when reading






 9. Holds book very close






10. Complains of headaches






11. Difficulty copying from the board






12. Hard to write in a straight line






13. Poor handwriting






14. Difficulty remaining on task






15. Struggles to finish assignments on time






16. Gives up easily






17. Daydreams or disruptive during class






18. Appears awkward or clumsy






19. Performs below potential






Multiply each column by the following numbers:

Never x0

Seldom x1

Sometimes x2

Often x3 

Always x4

  • Score below 20:  Unlikely that vision is playing a large role in poor school performance
  • 20-25:   Fair possibility that poor visual skills are interfering with school performance
  • 25-30:   Likely probability that poor visual skills are interfering with school performance
  • 30-35:   Strong probability that poor visual skills are interfering with school performance
  • Above 35:  Near certainty that poor visual skills are interfering with school performance

*Disclaimer: this survey alone doesn't guarantee your child has poor visual skills. Real time testing, RightEye testing, amongst other evaluations will be done before a diagnosis is made.

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